4 Week Production Class


Monday to Friday 12 - 6pm 

Location: London 

Instructor: Tsia Stuart

Course Content: 

This is a 4 week intensive class, and it takes place over consecutive days from 12pm until 6pm Monday to Friday. 

This is an advanced class aimed at students who want to fast track their learning, and enter a career as a film/theatre wig maker. 

Week one 

Wig prep . head tracing . head measurements . block padding . pattern plotting . health and safety . tools and terminology . lace laying and pinning . whipping with nylon thread

It also covers: 

Advice on where to purchase materials and tools . density and hair growth direction . foundation construction . finishing touches . inserting wig springs . where to purchase materials such as lace and other vital tools 

Week two, three, four:

Designing and planning a full lace wig . single knotting / double knotting .  cross knotting . directional knotting . density 

Included in the class: 

All materials are included, although students are expected to visit and purchase hair from a hair merchant as part of their professional work experience. 

A well equipped complimentary tool kit is also included in the course. 

Students will be required to bring a notepad and pen. 

Fees: £4800.00

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