Charlie's Wig Making Journey

Charlie Till

Wig Making Trainee

Location: Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Completed the 4 Week Production Class

Some previous wig making knowledge

Charlie came to London to take her place on my 4 Week Wig Production Class to upgrade her wig making skills.

She already had some wig making knowledge having studied theatrical makeup and hair at college. She has also gained experience working wit some of Netherland's best wig makers.

Charlie's strength is knotting, and she's not only precise, she's also incredibly fast at it.

There requires students to purchase hair for their wigs, and have a strong idea of what kind of wig they're intending to make.

Charlie bought hair with her that wasn't very good quality, and there wasn't enough to make a full wig. 

After discussion, I recommended her purchasing kinky curly hair from the beauty supply store, as this would be cost effective for her tight budget and provide her with a wig that will have a wow factor for interviews.

The finished wig is a beautiful film quality piece made with a Swiss lace foundation that was dyed using Rit dye.

The wig has a cross knotted integrated parting, and crown.

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